Freedom of information refers to the right to access public, non-protected information produced by the Saudi Industrial Development Fund (SIDF), regardless of its source, form, or nature. This includes paper records, emails, information stored on computers, audio or video tapes, maps, photographs, manuscripts, handwritten documents, or any other form of recorded information.
The office must notify the individual in an appropriate manner if the request is wholly or partially rejected, explaining the reasons for the rejection and the right to appeal and how to exercise this right within a period not exceeding 15 days from the decision.
- Whether the request was rejected fully or partially.
- Reasons for the rejection, if possible.
- The right to appeal the rejection and how to exercise this right.
- Notification of the extension and the expected date of completion of the request.
- Reasons for the delay.
The type of notification, for example, the requested data is available on SIDF's website, or it is not within its jurisdiction.If the individual wishes to appeal the rejection of the request by SIDF, they can submit a written or electronic notice of appeal to the Data Management Office within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the receipt of the rejection decision. The appeal committee at the Data Management Office will review the request, make the appropriate decision, and notify the individual of the review fees – which will be refunded if the committee approves the request – and the appeal decision.
Related legislation: National Data Governance Policies announced by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA)