لتحميل الملف يجب ادخال رقم الهوية من ثم إدخال رقم التحقق المرسل الي رقم الهاتف المحمول
تم إرسال رقم التحقق على رقم +699 *** **** *27
SIDF has actively contributed to development of the local industrial sector by granting a wide range of loans to support projects in different sectors throughout the Kingdom. The data provided indicates that a significant proportion of loans approved by SIDF have been allocated to industrial projects located in promising regions and cities
SIDF accomplishments from its inception in 1974 until conclusion of the fiscal year 2023 indicate the favorable outcomes of projects that have received loans from SIDF. Additionally, SIDF has provided valuable advisory support in various areas such as technical, administrative, financial, and marketing to support these projects.